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This is a detailed reading of Herbert Marcuse's 1937 essay, "Philosophy and Critical Theory." It is a part of an Intro to Critical Theory course we're offering both to university students and the general public. PDFs of readings can be found at If you like this content, consider supporting us at
This lecture broadly covers the shift from Kant's Enlightenment philosophy to the emergence of Idealism, emphasizing Hegel's concept of history and the influence of dialectical thinking on Feuerbach and Marx. It is a part of an Intro to Critical Theory course we're offering both to university students and the general public. PDFs of readings can be found at If you like this content, consider supporting us on Patreon:
This is an overview of Marx and Engels' Manifesto of the Communist party as part of an Introduction to Critical Theory course. It is a very basic contextualized reading, though I do break out briefly into identity politics in the U.S. toward the end. We will return to some of that discussion later in the course, so I'm just barely scratching the surface to point the conversations on our map.
This lecture is part of an ongoing course: Intro to Critical Theory. While Carl Schmitt is not a critical theorist in the sense that the Frankfurt School theorists were, his conservative thought gives us a better dimensionality for understanding what's at stake in critical theory of that period and current discourse today. I cover some basic historical context for Schmitt as well as the academic reception of Schmitt's thought in the United States. If you find this useful and have the means, please consider supporting ccctheory on Patreon:
This is a contextualized reading of the first essay in Carl Schmitt's 1922 book, Political Theology for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. Because most students in the class are U.S. citizens, I use contemporary political discussion concerning Donald Trump's removal from the Colorado ballot and unfolding legal contestation as a current example. Not only is it the intention of critical theory to speak to the present, I attempt to show why engagement with a thinker like Schmitt has become common whether one identifies as being on the right or the left politically. I also use Schmitt to contextualize what was at stake for the Frankfurt School theorists. More readings will follow. #criticaltheory #politicaltheology #schmitt #election #trump #exception #sovereignty
This is a contextualized reading of the second essay in Carl Schmitt's 1922 book, Political Theology for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. Because most students in the class are U.S. citizens, I use contemporary political discussion concerning Donald Trump's removal from the Colorado ballot and unfolding legal contestation as a current example. Not only is it the intention of critical theory to speak to the present, I attempt to show why engagement with a thinker like Schmitt has become common whether one identifies as being on the right or the left politically. I also use Schmitt to contextualize what was at stake for the Frankfurt School theorists. More readings will follow. #criticaltheory #politicaltheology #schmitt #election #exception #sovereignty
This is a contextualized reading for Essay 3 from Carl Schmitt's 1922 book, Political Theology. It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course we are offering. While Schmitt is not considered a classic critical theorist, being aware of his rightwing thought helps us situate what was at stake for the critical theorists of the Frankfurt School in the 1920s. A 21st century revival in discourse on Schmitt also makes him relevant to contemporary critical theory. #criticaltheory #carlschmitt #politicaltheology
This is a contextualized reading for the fourth and final essay of Carl Schmitt's 1922 book, Political Theology. This is part of an ongoing Intro to Critical Theory course. While Schmitt is not a critical theorist, I'm using his thought to situate what's at stake for the emergence of critical theory of the Frankfurt School and because his thought has returned to discussion in more recent critical discourse of the 21st century. #criticaltheory #politicaltheology #carlschmitt #sovereignty
This is a contextualized reading of chapters 1 & 2 from V. I. Lenin's 1917 book, State and Revolution. It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course. We are reading Lenin to contextualize the far-left at the moment of the emergence of the Institute for Social Research in 1922. This helps us gain a better understanding for the arrival of the discourse known as critical theory. Support us on Patreon if you find this useful: #criticaltheory #lenin #stateandrevolution #1917
This is a contextualized reading of chapters 3 through the end of from V. I. Lenin's 1917 book, State and Revolution. It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course. We are reading Lenin to contextualize the far-left at the moment of the emergence of the Institute for Social Research in 1922. This helps us gain a better understanding for the arrival of the discourse known as critical theory. Support us on Patreon if you find this useful: #criticaltheory #lenin #stateandrevolution #1917
This is a contextualized reading of Max Horkheimer's 1937 essay, "Traditional and Critical Theory" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. Other videos and course reading materials can be accessed at #criticaltheory #horkheimer #marx
This is a contextualized reading of Emmanuel Levinas's 1934 essay, "Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism." It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course, and while Levinas is not considered a critical theorist his insights here draw us in powerful ways toward the forms of critique that the Frankfurt School will pick up in the 1940s. The text, syllabus, and other lecture videos can be found at #criticaltheory #levinas #philosophy
This is a contextualized reading of Wendy Brown's essay, "Neoliberalism’s Frankenstein: Authoritarian Freedom in Twenty-First Century 'Democracies.'" It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course and reads Brown as a contemporary example of doing the work of critical theory. #criticaltheory #neoliberalism #democracy
This is a reading of Glen Sean Coulthard's (Yellowknives Dene) 2007 essay, "Subjects of Empire: Indigenous Peoples and the ‘Politics of Recognition’ in Canada." It's part of an Intro to Critical Theory course and introduces Indigenous and anti-colonial thought. #criticaltheory #indigenous #empire #fanon
This is a contextualized reading of Walter Benjamin's "Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" for an Intro to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #walterbenjamin #aesthetics
This is a contextualized reading of Horkheimer and Adorno’s “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” for an Intro to Critical Theory course. It builds on discussions of neoliberalism in previous lecture videos. #criticaltheory #horkheimer #adorno #culture #industry #dialectic #enlightenment
This is one in a series of lectures for our Intro to Critical Theory course. I do a brief Intro to Arendt in relation to our previous readings and lectures and then cover her "Introduction" to On Revolution. #criticaltheory #hannaharendt #arendt #revolution
This is a contextualized reading of Hannah Arendt's chapter, "The Meaning of Revolution" from her book, On Revolution. It's part of an ongoing Intro to Critical Theory course. Please note a correction with respect to Alcibiades and Plato's Republic: I was thinking of Polemarchus in the Republic who makes a similar argument to Alcibiades. I caught myself as I went on. #criticaltheory #hannaharendt #revolution
This lecture is part of an Intro to Critical Theory course. We just read some Hannah Arendt and will be moving on to Marcuse's essay, "Repressive Tolerance" next. This lecture is meant as a gloss on basic concepts in Freudian thought to help unfamiliar readers better understand the dense language in Marcuse. It does not present Freud or Marcuse as "correct" but warns against uncritical accounts of both figures. #criticaltheory #Freud #marcuse
This is a contextualized reading of Herbert Marcuse's 1965 essay, Repressive Tolerance" for an Intro to Critical Theory Course. I frame it in the context of our previous readings and lectures. #criticaltheory #marcuse #frankfurtschool #repressivetolerance #desublimation #instrumentalreason
This is a contextualized reading of Fanon's "Concerning Violence" chapter from his 1961 book, The Wretched of the Earth. It's part of an ongoing Intro to Critical Theory course. Along with covering the chapter I make brief interludes toward contemporary political problems and a very brief discussion of comparative genocide. #criticaltheory #fanon #concerningviolence #wretchedoftheearth
This is a contextualized reading of Chapter one from Albert Memmi's famous 1965 book, The Colonizer and the Colonized. Because most of my audience is made of students in the United States, I give attention to current and ongoing conditions here to exemplify the usefulness of Memmi's work. #memmi #colonizer #colonized #criticaltheory #postcolonialism
This is a contextualized reading of Michel Foucault's "Security, Territory, Population," lecture from February 1, 1978. This lecture introduces the concept of "governmentally." It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory Course. #criticaltheory #foucault #governmentality
This is a contextualized reading of Michel Foucault's "Security, Territory, Population," lecture from February 8, 1978. This lecture introduces the concept of "governmentally." It is part of an Intro to Critical Theory Course. #criticaltheory #foucault #governmentality
This is a contextualized reading of Judith Butler's, "Imitation and Gender Insubordination" essay from 1991. It is part of an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #gender #criticaltheory #Butler #Imitation #drag #insubordination #gendertheory
This is a contextualized reading of the introductory chatter to Jack Halberstam's 1998 book, Female Masculinity. It is part of an ongoing Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #femalemasculinity #halberstam
This is part 1 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 2 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 3 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 4 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 5 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 6 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
This is part 7 of a contextualized reading of Jacques Derrida's 1989 essay, "Force of Law" for an Introduction to Critical Theory course. #criticaltheory #derrida #forceoflaw
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